•Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lots of job, lots of think to do and lots of lazyness.I think i should focusing on those important "spots" right now.I don't know how should begin.Before i tried, i've loose.Oh..Allah, give me strength..too much decided and i must face it gently!
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...Rabbishrahli sadri wayassirli amri wahlul 'ukdatammilisani yafqahu qauli...
Ai De Life,
entshuldigung,was bedeutet das?das verstehe ich nicht..
keep spirit ai...^^
@ummul khairi:noch nicht,hehe..
@kak nova: i do really need your help actually,sista :(
Saya mulai curiga, jangan-jangan, bukan cuma bahasa Inggris dan Jepang yang dikuasi oleh pemilik blog ini, buktinya, dalam satu postingan ini saja, sudah ada tiga bahasa saya temui.
what can i do 4 u my sis??:(
@b'ibal:sebentar..sebentar,perasaan cuma 2 bahasa,hm..
@kak nova:MEC...pingin curhatttttttttttttttt :(
what happen with MEC?
I`m waiting for it sist^^